
Today, when my mind was clear and I could finally reflect, I realised how much I want to be a doctor.

I imagined myself in the hospitals, talking to and examining patients and thought "Yes! This is what I WANT to do!"
Then I imagined myself studying right now and knew that I need a pause, a short break.

The reason I am writing this is because I know two things:

1. I have chosen the right course/career for me- B. Med. I am sick of people telling me that "it's okay to drop out and do something else!" because I want to be here in this degree, I want to study this. I don't need your permission to stop. I will stop if I want to stop. This is a request to everyone out there.

2. Please give me a second to find myself again. It's the only way I can function and reach my goal. This is a request to myself.


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