All my titles are the same

I don't quite understand. I was doing fine and then it happened.

The only difference was that the first time, about two days ago, I was actually scared and did not want it to happen. Today I wanted it all gone, didn't care how.

I have this nagging thought, and it is scary because I don't want to listen to it, that I should stop. But the things that worry me are what people will think or if I will ever have the energy to go back. I am scared.

It's loud here and there are crowds and I just am not able to handle it! I sit down all day at placement and there's always a voice in my head that likes to show up when I get home. By the time I am home, I am tired and there are things to do but I can't do them because at that time, eating and pacing are so much more important. I wish my body would just be normal.

My weight- I never cared for it but now I do. How this happened, I don't know.

Also, I find it ironic that I had to attend a seminar about obesity so I could take a day off for Day Program on Monday. Isn't that funny? I thought so too...


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